Why Does Vaping Make Me Tired?

Why Does Vaping Make Me Tired?

Whenever you start engaging in a recreational activity like vaping, it’s important to pay attention to your overall health and wellness to make sure that there aren’t any noteworthy developments. If you’re like some, you may experience fatigue after your vaping sessions. But why does this happen? Is there an explanation? Let’s take a closer look at how vaping may impact energy levels and what you need to know in order to combat this problem if you experience it personally. 

yawning and tired from vaping

Key Takeaways

  • While it’s not common across the board, vaping can make some people feel tired. 
  • Tiredness caused by vaping is generally attributed to the effects of nicotine on the body and the techniques used to vape. 
  • You can feel less fatigued when vaping by taking smaller and fewer hits, using a vape with less nicotine, and waiting longer between hits to assess the effects nicotine has on your body. 
  • Vaping may make you feel fatigued, but you’re not going to sleep more as a result. It instead may lead to sleeplessness.

Why Does Vaping Make Me Tired?

Most have reached the consensus that vaping may make you tired for one of two reasons: too much nicotine content or technique. 

Plenty of people say that vaping shouldn’t make you tired, especially if you’re vaping nicotine, but that’s not necessarily true. Much like you’re going to struggle with sleeplessness and restlessness if you’re drinking too much caffeine, consuming too much nicotine can produce the same effects as it’s a stimulant.

nicotine strength in vapes

Over time, this may alter your normal sleeping patterns, causing you to not get the same amount of sleep or the same quality of sleep that you normally would. Additionally, nicotine dependency may cause minor crashes if you’re without the substance for longer periods of time than you’re accustomed to or if you’re still getting used to the depressant aspects of it. 

So, does this change when you take nicotine out of the equation? It could, but some might still experience fatigue. This is where technique comes in. Taking in longer draws and getting less oxygen can make some feel more tired. If you’re doing this often, it could be the cause behind why you’re feeling tired with or without nicotine. Keep both of these potential issues in mind if you find yourself feeling tired when you vape. 

Does Vaping Affect Energy Levels? 

Yes, vaping can affect energy levels. Nicotine is a stimulant that raises your heart rate and blood pressure, making you feel more energized and wired. It encourages the body to produce epinephrine. But what’s also worth noting about nicotine is that it’s a depressant. After the initial pick-me-up your system receives from nicotine, it can reduce brain activity and make users feel more relaxed. Both actions of this compound have the potential to affect your energy levels, which could explain changes in how tired you feel throughout the day once you start vaping. 

How to Avoid Feeling Fatigued Whilst Vaping

So, are there strategies that you could use to make yourself feel less fatigued when you vape? Absolutely! Here are a few helpful tips that are sure to come in handy if tiredness is becoming a major downside to vaping. 

liquid nicotine levels in vape juice

Take Less Hits

Taking fewer hits is one of the best ways to reduce your overall feelings of fatigue. If you have a tendency to hit your vape whenever without a second thought, you could be getting way more nicotine than you actually need. Reducing how many hits you’re taking is a great way to see if this is the issue and remedy it if it is. However, taking fewer hits can also help you if you’re regularly taking hits that are too deep and not giving yourself the oxygen you need. Slowing down can mean the difference between continuing to feel fatigued and feeling okay when you continue vaping. 

Try Lower Nicotine Disposable Vapes

If you find out that you’re getting way more nicotine than you should be (especially if you weren’t an extremely heavy smoker prior to transitioning over to vapes), the best way to deal with this is to find a disposable vape with lower nicotine levels. Many vapes have high nicotine levels with nicotine salts that allow you to take far larger hits without harsh throat burns. Take care to pay attention to the amount of nicotine in your vape, the type of nicotine being used (freebase nicotine versus nicotine salts), and how many cigarettes your vape or your vape juice is equivalent to. 

Wait Longer Before You Take Your Next Hit

Vaping isn’t a race! Going faster only means taking in a ton of nicotine and having to buy more disposable vapes or vape juice than you would normally have to. Savor each hit and wait longer before you take your next one. This gives you the time to assess the effects of each hit to determine whether or not you truly need any more. If you do, you can then take a hit a bit later and wait to see if that helps. As a bonus, you get more out of your vape products before you have to buy more!

Does Vaping Make You Sleep More? 

Vaping doesn’t make you sleep any more than you already do. While nicotine can act as a depressant, it’s not going to make you fall asleep. The only situation in which you might feel as though your tiredness leads to greater sleep is if you’re spending time trying to catch up on the sleep that you’re missing from getting too much nicotine or trying to wean yourself off of it. Otherwise, an increase in sleep isn’t something you’ll typically encounter when vaping. 

Vaping may cause fatigue, and it’s important to know what to do if you’re one of the people who feel tired after they vape. The guide above helps you better understand why vaping can make people tired and provides you with everything you need to know to tackle energy issues with ease. Keep this on hand if your tiredness persists!

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